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Wintercroft® : Low-Poly Masks

Wintercroft® is a crafts and clothing brand, known most notably for their low-poly masks. They supply templates and instructions for said masks, letting you turn unwanted cardboard materials into 3D works of art. Their masks range from hats and helmets, to animal heads. Started by husband and wife, Steve and Marianne Wintercroft since 2013, the store’s popularity has been increasing at quite a rate. Their masks are often featured in festivals and other events, but because of its accessibility, it’s still a good item to bear for your own personal uses. Steve has also mentioned the benefit these masks have on the environment:


“The goal was to create a set of masks that could be built by anyone,
using local materials, removing the need for mass manufacturing or shipping and
with the minimum environmental impact.”

The Quies Project owes it to Wintercroft for being the visual design inspiration for the Quies. If you want to buy a copy of the masks that inspired the featured characters in the book, click any of the images below. Otherwise, do feel free to check out their other products as well!

Images and logo are a property of Wintercroft. Permission to post was granted.

© Wintercroft

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